Monday, February 25, 2013

Company Use of RSS

Motorola uses Really Simple Syndication (RSS) to help enhance their intranet, by allowing RSS feeds to combine internal and external web sources. Motorola wants to replace e-mail newsletters with another sort of online tools, like a blog, or RSS feed. The company promotes sharing of information and asking questions through internal services. During a study done on Motorola it was discover that several employees leave work with at least 30 unread emails each day and that employees are open to new technology as long as training is available to help them better understand. Also employees revealed that they would be able to manage the online communication if fellow colleagues learned simple etiquette rules. RSS feeds can only be successful if the employees clearly understand the principle and rules. First Motorola began by getting the support of their managers.  Next Motorola provided training in different ways like classroom training and online short videos with quick tips. After the training employees that use RSS feeds are able to merge news in one place, which in turn condenses what could have been multiple emails over one topic. The RSS feeds will never completely take the place of emails, however RSS feeds can be a useful tool to those who understand how to use them. 


  1. Do you think that other communication companies will make this type of change within their companies as well? I personally believe the size of the company affects whether or not they use RSS or not. It would seem pointless for a business with less than 20 or so workers to implement this technology.

  2. If it would not have been for this class, I still would not have know anything about RSS feeds. How do you think companies or colleges will "break the ice" in order to introduce feeds to the younger generation so that they can take advantage of the technology?

    1. I think that now that most people are on social media sites like Facebook, it will be easier to disseminate information through sources like that. With the majority of people in one central location, one post can distribute necessary information wherever they may be. Sometimes, I almost think things like RSS are on the way out. ~ Katherine Clay
